Understanding the Distinctions Between Level Funding and Fully Insured Medical Contracts: A Comprehensive Guide by Blanket Risk Management


In the world of employee benefits and healthcare coverage, businesses often seek the most cost-effective and risk-mitigating options. Two common choices for employers are level funding and fully insured medical contracts. These options provide different approaches to financing and managing healthcare benefits for employees. In this article, we will delve into the key differences between level funding and fully insured medical contracts, with a focus on their implications for Blanket Risk Management.

  1. Definitions:

a. Level Funding: Level funding is a type of self-insured healthcare plan in which the employer assumes the financial risk for providing healthcare benefits to employees. The employer pays a fixed, predictable amount each month to a third-party administrator (TPA) to cover the employees’ medical claims and administrative fees. The TPA, in turn, processes the claims and handles the plan administration.

b. Fully Insured Medical Contracts: Fully insured medical contracts, on the other hand, are traditional insurance plans where the employer pays a fixed premium to an insurance carrier. In return, the insurance carrier assumes all financial risk for covering the employees’ medical expenses. The carrier handles the claims processing and administration of the plan.

  1. Risk and Cost:

a. Level Funding: One of the main attractions of level funding for employers is the potential for cost savings. With level funding, employers only pay for the actual healthcare claims incurred by their employees and a set administrative fee. If the claims are lower than expected, the employer can retain the savings. However, if the claims exceed expectations, the employer is responsible for covering the additional costs. This risk-sharing arrangement requires a robust understanding of the company’s historical claims data and health risk profile.

b. Fully Insured Medical Contracts: In fully insured contracts, employers have predictable monthly premiums, making budgeting easier. The insurance carrier takes on the financial risk, assuming responsibility for covering all medical claims, regardless of their size. While this eliminates the uncertainty associated with large claim years, employers may end up paying higher premiums to the carrier to account for the carrier’s risk exposure.

  1. Plan Flexibility and Customization:

a. Level Funding: Level funding provides more flexibility for employers to customize their healthcare plans according to their specific needs. Employers can design benefits tailored to their workforce and have access to detailed claims data, enabling better plan management and targeted interventions to improve employee health.

b. Fully Insured Medical Contracts: Fully insured plans often come with standardized benefit packages offered by insurance carriers. While some customization options might be available, they are generally limited. Employers have less control over the plan design and might face more restrictions on adding additional benefits.

  1. Compliance and Regulation:

a. Level Funding: Since level funding involves self-insurance to some extent, employers need to comply with federal and state regulations governing employee benefits and insurance. This may include following guidelines set forth by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).

b. Fully Insured Medical Contracts: Insurance carriers offering fully insured plans are responsible for adhering to regulatory requirements. Employers, while still having some responsibilities, can rely on the carrier’s expertise to ensure compliance with relevant regulations.


In conclusion, both level funding and fully insured medical contracts offer distinct advantages and considerations for employers and Blanket Risk Management. Level funding can provide potential cost savings, greater plan flexibility, and access to detailed claims data but comes with increased financial risk. Fully insured medical contracts offer predictable premiums and less financial risk, but with limited customization options. To make an informed decision, employers must carefully assess their organization’s financial situation, risk tolerance, and long-term healthcare needs. Partnering with experienced insurance brokers or consultants can be invaluable in navigating these complex choices and optimizing employee benefits while managing risks effectively.

To learn more about risk strategies for your company for health and welfare and personal risk, contact us online at www.blanketrisk.com or call 561-908-6622


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